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Iots Control Panel For Motorized High Voltage Bdv Insulation Oil Test Set

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iOTS - Intelligent OTS control panel for Motorized High Voltage BDV Insulation Oil Test Set

This product is designed with innovative software algorithms residing on latest technology PIC microcontroller chips. The design is conceived so as to reduce production overheads like wiring and testing when it is put on the Motorized High Voltage Oil Test Set.


Advanced PIC Microcontroller based, indigenous design

Supports different capacities of 60 kV, 80 kV and 100 kV

Panel mounted ergonomic design with easy to operate keys

Full integrated drive for AC Synchronous Servo Motor

Bright 3 digit, 7 Segment LED Display

Indications for AUTO, MANUAL, DOOR, RISE and ZERO

Incorporates automatic tripping mechanism

Provision for safety interlocking for high voltage test chamber

Provision for both AUTO and MANUAL mode

Break down voltage protection at milliamp current

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